Pregnancy Constipation Symptoms And Treatments
During this article we will discuss the problem of pregnancy constipation and hopefully provide you with some ways in which to treat it.
Where some women may feel bloated or they may pass small rabbit like stools others may often have to strain when they are actually having bowel movement.
Pregnant women will often suffer from constipation during the pregnancy and in the days after they have actually delivered the baby. Some women may even suffer from painful bowel movements after having a episiotomy (a repair made to torn rectal tissue). Women who have had an episiotomy will often consciously or unconsciously try to prevent themselves from having a bowel movement. Whilst some women who have had a caesarean section will find that their bowel movement is temporarily paralyzed and is known as an ileus.
Below are some helpful hints wish should help to alleviate or prevent constipation from occurring.
1. Make sure you exercise daily. It is a great way of preventing constipation and even light to moderate walking will help to loosen your bowels as well as making you feel lest bloated.
2. Drink lots of fluids. Whilst pregnant the amount of water absorbed from your intestines into your blood increases. So it is important that you increase the amount of water you drink to keep both your intestines and the baby healthy. You really should try a drink at least 10 x 8 ounce glasses of water a day and if you are somewhere that is hot and humid then your water intake should be increased further. By keeping your body hydrated with water you will help to prevent constipation.
3. Calcium and Vitamin Supplements. It is important that you take the appropriate supplements but be aware that there are some which can cause bloating and constipation. Studies have been carried out which show the best calcium supplements for a pregnant woman to take are those which dissolve easily in the pH of vinegar such as TUMS and Cal citrate. It is vital that you avoid antacids which contain aluminum as these will only cause constipation.
There are prenatal vitamins around which have been specifically formulated for use by pregnant women and that their digestive tract will tolerate. These types of vitamins will cause less nausea and bloating and they contain iron, Folate and B Vitamins all of which are essential to a pregnant woman.
4. However there are some pregnant women who will need to take a stool softener in order to relieve their constipation and these work by decreasing the wall tension between the colon and the stool. They act mainly as a way of keeping a pregnant woman?s stools soft so making their removal from a pregnant woman?s body much easier.
5. A great natural remedy you could use when pregnant is to alternate between hot and cold food and drinks. A simple way of doing this is to either drink cold fluid or eat ice chips and then drink a warm fluid (may be tea). Doing this will help to stimulate and tone your bowel as well as helping to release gas that has been building up in your bowel.
6. Other women may find that resting in bed for either all or part of their pregnancy helps.
Hopefully the hints provided above will any constipation problems that occur during your pregnancy and it is important that you talk to your doctor about any problems you are having in relation to constipation. Unfortunately pregnancy constipation that a lot of women will have to contend with when they are having a child and normally clears up after the birth.
Lee Dobbins writes for Colon Articles where you can learn more about taking care of your colon and read articles on preventing and treating constipation.
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