Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Headaches-Insomnia-Anxiety and Constipation Have the Same Root Cause According To Ayurveda

Headaches, insomnia, anxiety and constipation have the same root cause which is a vata imbalance according to ayurveda. Until recently modern Western medicine believed that health was simply the absence of disease. Illness was caused purely by something outside the body, the way a hammer hitting your toe causes pain?viruses caused colds, allergens caused allergies, stress caused anxiety, carcinogens caused cancer, and so on. The solution was to find the right pill and the disease would be cured.

But today we know that the seeds of illness are sown way before obvious symptoms appear. The absence of a readily diagnosable disease is no longer the definition of health?people want to feel good, not just "not bad." The hammer-hitting-the-toe model of disease doesn't explain the wide variation in people's abilities to resist illness or recover from illness. When you encounter a cold virus, you have only one chance in eight of getting a cold. Seven out of eight times your mind-body is able to defend itself. Clearly the virus is only one small factor?the state of your general health is paramount.

By focusing on physical cause and effect Western medicine has looked at individual organs in isolation, as separate from one another and from the mind and spirit. By way of contrast ancient civilizations were intimately in touch with their nonphysical selves and had rich inner lives. They knew what modern science is just now starting to realize: The mind and body are so connected as to be indistinguishable from each other.In many ways modern science is only beginning to catch up with Ayurveda. In many ways modern science is only beginning to catch up with Ayurveda. For example research is discovering that certain people are constitutionally prediposed to certain illnesses, and proving that lifestyle practices and gentle herbal medicines can make a huge difference in our ability to resist disease, recover from illness, and extend our lives. That's exactly what the ancient science of Ayurveda has been saying for thousands of years. Headaches, insomnia, anxiety and constipation have the same root cause which is a vata imbalance and this is an example of genetic predisposition according to body type. Hi I am a practicing Chiropractor for the last 25 years. Ayurveda came into my life in 1984. I have study with the best in the nation and the best in India. It is a practice that takes a lifetime to become a master. I love teaching it and practicing it. The results in everyday practice are phenomenal. It takes seven years to get a degree in Ayurveda in India. It is a serious healthcare science that as a doctor of Chiropractic I was prepared to take it on as my specialty. It gives me so much as a human being and supports me as a professional and serves my community with such grace. California License to Practice Chiropractic 1983,

Bachelors From California Institute of Integral Studies Focus: Ayurveda. 1995 Self Procured Apprenticeship: In Practicing Ayurveda in California for fifteen years. First Ayurved Formal education : Maharishi Ayurved 1985-current. Apprentice: Vaidya Charya Ragu New Delhi, India teacher for Pulse Training.1989-90 Assistant to Vaidya Triguna, Palo Alto,Ca

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