Sunday, December 30, 2007

Best Herbal and Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Constipation

Constipation is the name given to the condition in which a person finds difficulty in passing stools. Ideally, a person must void the wastes of the digestive tract one or two times a day. But in people suffering from constipation, this elimination of wastes becomes highly reduced, or may even be absent for several days together.

Constipation can be the reduction of the normal volume of feces voided, the complete absence of discharge or sticky discharge that the person has difficulty in passing out. In all cases, there is Ayurvedic treatment. Constipation is not a very dangerous ailment if treated properly in time. But if let be, then constipation can become chronic. Especially in elderly people, constipation for a prolonged period can be fatal.

From an Ayurvedic point of view, constipation is a disease caused particularly by the vitiation of the vata dosha. It is called as Anaha in Ayurveda. But the other two doshas can also be responsible for constipation. Constipation caused due to a high pitta dosha is characterized by dry stools. It is felt mostly in the hot months. Constipation caused due to a high kapha dosha is accompanied by pains in passing out the feces, which are sticky. In people with kapha vitiation, the excessive mucus may block the rectal passage which will obstruct the elimination of the wastes.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Constipation

- Bael fruit (Aegle marmelos) The fruit of the bael is an effective laxative. The ripe fruit is better at this than the raw one. It has to be used for two to three months. It can be taken in the form of a sherbet. This will dissolve the wastes of the intestines and flush them out of the body.

- Belleric Myroblan (Terminalia belerica) The half ripe fruit of the belleric myroblan is a purgative. It is used in treatment of chronic constipation. However the fully ripe fruit may be disadvantageous to the treatment.

- Cassia (Cassia fistula) The pulp of the ripe fruit of the cassia tree is an effective laxative in the treatment of constipation. This remedy is popular because it has no side effects even when taken by children and pregnant women.

- Castor (Ricinus communis) Castor oil is effective as a purgative. This treatment also has no side effects. It can be taken safely, irrespective of the physiology of the patient and the climatic conditions.

- Chebulic Myroblan (Terminalia chebula) Chebulic myroblan is a mild laxative. Its pulp is taken with rock salt, or flavored with cloves and cinnamon. Regular use of this decoction relieves the person of constipation.

- Chicory (Chichorium intybus) Chicory has natural laxative powers. It can be used in the treatment of chronic constipation problems.

- Isphagula (Plantago ovata) This is the traditionally used remedy in the treatment of constipation. The seeds of this plant have a soothing effect on the mucus lining of the alimentary canal. The seeds must be soaked in water and then taken. Isphagula seeds act by binding the wastes in the alimentary canal and bringing them to a consistency in which they can be eliminated from the body.

- Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Licorice is a laxative. In order to get better benefits, licorice powder is taken with water and jaggery.

- Rhubarb (Rheum emodi) Rhubarb is also commonly used in allopathic medicine for its purgative properties. Rhubarb contains several tannins that are beneficial in voiding the wastes from the alimentary canal. But rhubarb can be used only in simple cases of constipation, and it has no effect in chronic constipation.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Constipation

There are many dietary guidelines for people suffering from constipation. The following are some of them:-

- Water is very important to keep the intestines working well. Drink a glass of water early in the morning. For better results, keep the water overnight in a copper vessel and drink it when you wake up in the morning.

- The food that you consume should not be too dry. It should be vata pacifying. Hence it must contain adequate amounts of oil or ghee in it.

- Take a glassful of warm milk with a teaspoonful of ghee in it when going to bed.

- Avoid rice. Take wheat instead.

- Fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables must be an integral part of the diet. Papaya and sugarcane are especially beneficial. Tomato and beetroot salads are also very beneficial.

- Avoid beans, legumes, grams, cabbages, mushrooms and such foods which are difficult to digest.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatment for Constipation

- The Triphala Choorna is commonly prescribed. It contains a mixture of the three important fruits of amalaki, belleric myroblan and chebulic myroblan.

- Medicines such as Agastya Rasayana, Pancha Sakara Choorna, Abhayadi Modaka, Madhu Yashthayadi Choorna, can strengthen the intestinal valves and hence improve their functions. These treatments are even prescribed in cases of chronic constipation.

- There are some special therapies Ayurveda uses in order to treat the condition of constipation. These therapies are:- a) Vashthi Karma (enema therapy) b) Virechana Karma (purgation therapy)

- In addition, a massage of the abdominal muscles, known as the Udavartana, is also employed if the constipation is chronic. This makes the intestinal muscles stronger and work better in dispelling the wastes.

(4) Home Medications

- Every morning when you wake up, eat two apples. Bite them with the teeth instead of using a knife to cut them into slices.

- Drink a glass of water with a teaspoonful of honey in it at night before going to bed.

- The best and simplest medicine is to drink a glass of lemon juice in water with a pinch of salt in it. This will treat any kind of constipation that may be present.

Read More on Constipation Cure by Ayurveda and Constipation Home Remedies at
Also read more about Ayurveda at World's Largest Portal on Ayurveda and Ayurvedic Remedies: - The Free Ayurvedic Encyclopedia

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Thursday, December 27, 2007

Constipation - Causes and Ayurvedic Natural Cure

According to Ayurveda, constipation is caused due to aggravation of vata. But it can also be caused due to aggravation of pitta or kapha.

Wrong eating habits and bowel habits are main reasons for constipation. Eating too much of food that the digestive system can't handle, eating food items that are not easily digested by body, not taking enough fibrous food like fruits and vegetables, irregular sleeping pattern, mental tensions, etc can cause constipation.

The best laxative is triphala. When used as a laxative, triphala strengthens colon. Other laxatives are harsh on colon, which is unfavorable condition. It balances metabolism, thereby ensuring more nourishment to blood. Take a teaspoon of triphala powder at bed time. Dietary recommendations to Prevent Constipation

Include fruits like papaya, mango, banana, grapes, oranges, apple etc in daily menu.

Carefully chew your food.

Avoid spicy, frozen food items. Also avoid food items that have preservatives.

Avoid food items that are overcooked, refrigerated, preserved or canned. Replace refined starch food items with whole grain food items.

Food prepared with cumin seeds, coriander, turmeric and fennel as condiments are easily digested. Lifestyle Recommendations to Prevent Constipation

Avoid stressful conditions.

Squat for 10 minutes in the morning and preferably while eliminating.

Make going to toilet early in the morning a habit.

Fast a day per week.

Don't wear very tight belt.

Practice yoga. Several yoga postures are especially beneficial in strengthening colon, promoting appetite and facilitating digestion.

There are generic directions to help you prevent constipation. Follow these rules to prevent constipation.

Dev Sri provides insider information about Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices and Ayurveda in Kerala. Find more about Ayurvedic medicines at

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

One Cause Of Constipation - Bad Bacteria

Bad bacteria in the colon are one of the worst conditions that could exist in your body. Yet few people are aware that this is something to be concern about. Not only is bad bacteria one cause of constipation, it is also a source of toxic matter that filters into your body where it creates many familiar diseases.

When bad bacteria takes over your colon and if remains in control of your colon over a long period of your life, expect to have serious diseases as you age. You may or may not wonder why practically every older person you know has many health issues to deal with. Most likely it is the neglect of the colon and the constipation that they have lived with during their lifetime.

When bad bacteria control the colon, they live on undigested food and cause this food to rot and become putrid. This condition causes your colon to become slight alkaline making it difficult for the good bacteria to thrive. As more toxic matter accumulated in the colon, it attracts other pathogens and yeast.

When the colon is weak, it is unable to quickly move fecal matter through its long intestine. It weakens when it continual tries to move fecal matter along the colon and is unable. After while it just quits trying and constipation sets in.

Bad bacteria are but one cause of constipation. There are others but it is always best to work on one cause of constipation before going to another.

So what can you do when you have an excess of bad bacteria in the colon? The first step is to increasing the amount of good bacteria in colon, since these bacteria can fight and destroy the bad ones.

So, how do you help the good bacteria to multiple? You do it by,

* Feeding the good bacteria

* Eating the right foods so that the colon environment can changed from alkaline to slightly acid

* Taking supplements that can kill bad bacteria and not good bacteria

* Taking supplements that increase the good bacteria

* Doing a colon cleanse to sweep out some of the bad bacteria and their source of food - decaying, rotting fecal matter.

Good bacteria are available in various forms. The most familiar source is liquid milk like solution call acidophilus. You can also get multiple forms of good bacteria in capsules. It is best to choose a form call enteric capsules. These capsules move pass the stomach acids where they could be destroyed and open up in the more friendly area of the small intestines. The good bacteria can then move into the colon where they will do battle with bad bacteria, one cause of constipation. When the colon is overwhelmed with bad bacteria you need to supplement your diet with a good amount of good bacteria, so don't hold when taking this supplement.

There you have it. It is not easy to get rid of bad bacteria quickly. You have to work at it and you have to know what you are doing. But when you realize that one way to do it is to build up the good bacteria and let them take care of your fight. So go out and buy some good bacteria.

As a Natural Nutritionist, Rudy Silva researches and writes on natural remedies for various body conditions. He has written and accumulated a lot of information on constipation. To get free tips on how to get constipation relief, sign up for his 10 week e-lesson series called "10 Constipation Secrets Revealed" at

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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

How to Relieve Constipation With Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, which is also known as spastic colon, is a gastrointestinal disorder that affects a lot of people. Constipation with Irritable Bowel Syndrome is common, in men and women alike.

IBS does not discriminate against any age, as a person can get it regardless of age and statistics indicate that up to 1 in 5 Americans suffer from this disorder, with 1 in 10 visits to the doctors being related to IBS, albeit mostly mild cases.

Although IBS effects both sexes, more women suffer with IBS than men.

Oftentimes IBS goes completely untreated. This is because a lot of people are uncomfortable, or even embarrassed, about discussing the associated symptoms with a doctor. Also the symptoms tend to come in bouts and are not always constant so may have cleared up by the time your appointment comes round.

This disorder affects the functions of the colon, also known as the large intestine, but there is no structural damage that occurs in a person with IBS. However, there are several main symptoms that are recognizable. These include abdominal bloating, pain, cramping, diarrhea and constipation.

It is important to understand that there are several different types of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. If you suffer predominantly from diarrhea then it is sometimes referred to as IBS-D. On the other hand, if you suffer primarily from constipation, then you have IBS-C.

Of course, it is also possible that your symptoms might alternate, in which case you have IBS-A. There is also another type that you may not even realize is possible. IBS-PI (post-infectious) is a type of Irritable Bowel Syndrome that directly relates to your having a bacterial infection in your gastrointestinal system.

Currently there is not a specific cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome known. One popular theory is that patients who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome have an unusually sensitive colon. Their colon is said to react strongly to stress and certain foods.

One thing is known is that with the onset of IBS, the amount of water that the intestines absorb can be effected, which effects the consistency of the stool. Furthermore, it is thought that that the immune and nervous system is believed to affect either the symptoms or onset of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Recently there have been studies done that show that there may be a direct relationship between abnormal serotonin levels and IBS. Serotonin is responsible for regulating the movement and sensitivity of the bowels, and so abnormalities in seratonin levels can cause abnormality in the bowel function. Also, abnormalities in serotonin levels have been linked to increased levels of general anxiety disorders (GAD).

Thankfully this disorder can be controlled by changes to diet, lifestyle and medication where required

Continue reading to discover natural methods to control IBS and sign up for our free newsletter.

If your main IBS symptom is constipation, then there are some simple steps that can be taken to help ease the discomfort.

Increasing the levels of fiber in the diet help the digestive and waste elimination process by adding bulk and softening the stool. Fiber can be found in a variety of foods, but it is rich in cereal, bread, beans, bran and many vegetables.

Increase the levels of bran in the diet slowly, as adding more too quickly can cause some of the usual IBS symptoms to be triggered. There is also the option to increase fiber intake by taking fiber supplements.

Regular exercise can help the body process waste more effectively by ?massaging? the gut. The exercise does not need to be strenuous, just a brisk walk a few times a week to start off with will aid the body?s digestion and waste processing.

Ensure that sufficient water is being consumed. It is recommended that at least 6-8 glasses of water be drunk each day, which will help the body keep the stool moist and to ease the elimination process.

We have discussed a few methods to help relieve constipation with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, but it always advised that if you make any changes to your diet you seek advice from a qualified nutritionist, dietician or your doctor.

Sign up for the free Irritable Bowel Syndrome Newsletter and discover new and natural methods to manage your Constipation with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. You can also find more irritable bowel syndrome resources here.

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Sunday, December 23, 2007

Constipation Remedy - Two Seeds Paste

Here's a constipation remedy you can easily make at home and store for ongoing use. The ingredients can be bought in health food stores and Chinese or Asian supermarkets. This remedy for constipation is also highly nutritious and can be taken after illness and in cases of poor nutrition and anemia.

Constipation Remedy - Pumpkin and Sesame Seed Paste


Raw pumpkin seeds (60 grams), raw black sesame seeds (60 grams), raw peanut kernels (30 grams), sugar to taste. Double the amounts to make a larger batch.


1. Heat the pumpkin seeds in a pan till they become fragrant. Remove the seeds from the outer shells as they open up from the heat. Put the heated seeds in a bowl.

2. Repeat step one with the sesame seeds, then the peanuts.

3. Place the pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and peanuts in a mortar and pestle and grind them up. Add enough water to form a thick paste and mix in sugar to taste. Or, use a blender.

4. Let the paste cool, then store in a sealed jar in the fridge.


Take one tablespoon of paste before breakfast and again before bed. Consume with a small glass of warm-hot (NOT cold) water if you wish. Continue daily till your bowels return to normal.


Pumpkin seeds benefit the intestines and prostate and can also eliminate internal parasites. Black sesame seeds lubricate the intestines and nourish blood. Peanuts also have lubricating and nourishing qualities. Overall, this constipation remedy lubricates the intestines so it's especially useful in cases of hard, dry stools. It may also be taken as a tonic when you're not eating well, as a snack or when you're in a rush and have no time to eat.

Matthew Scott is a professionally trained Chinese medicine practitioner from Australia, living in China since 2000. His website offers classic, time-tested exercises & techniques to stretch, strengthen, energize, relax, ease pain & improve overall health.

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Oils Good For Constipation

Some oils good for constipation include pumpkin seed oil, sesame seed oil, peanut oil and walnut oil. While a daily spoonful of oil, e.g. sesame oil mixed in warm water, forms a simple, effective home remedy for constipation, this article introduces a way you can use seeds (containing some of the above oils) to make a paste that you can store and eat when necessary.

Remedy Containing Oils Good for Constipation

Pine Seed and Walnut Paste


Raw pine seeds (500 grams), raw walnut kernels (500 grams), candied honey (250 grams).


1. Crush the pine seeds and walnut kernels in a mortar and pestle.

2. Place the seeds/kernels in a bowl and mix in the honey to form a paste.

3. Steam the paste till the seeds are cooked.

4. When cool, store in a sealed jar in the fridge.


Take one tablespoon of paste before breakfast and again before bed. Consume with a small glass of warm-hot (NOT cold) water if you wish. Continue daily till your bowels return to normal.

This paste contains just two oils good for constipation - I have written another article about a similar paste made from pumpkin and sesame seeds, for the same purpose of lubricating your intestines to relieve constipation.

Matthew Scott is a professionally trained Chinese medicine practitioner from Australia, living in China since 2000. His website offers classic, time-tested exercises & techniques to stretch, strengthen, energize, relax, ease pain and improve overall health.

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Thursday, December 20, 2007

Understanding Constipation and Natural Remedies - Part I

In today?s world many people suffer from constipation. We seek relief through medications, laxatives and natural remedies. Some work and some don?t. Unfortunately, many of those that do work only give temporary relief so the remedy is repeated time and again. This can worsen the underlying problem and cause new issues of physical reliance on the remedy.

One problem is that constipation is merely a symptom of a larger issue. Constipation can arise from stress or poor eating habits. In either case, if you are consuming more than one meal a day and having less than one bowel movement a day, you are constipated.

Think about it, if you eat 3 meals a day and have a bowel movement only one time during these three days, are 9 meals leaving your body? The nutrients that are absorbed by your body are microscopic so there should be quite a bit of waste leaving.

The small intestine can be anywhere from 18-25 feet. The colon is approximately 5 feet long. Combined, there is about 23-30 feet of tubes winding through your midsection from the bottom of your ribcage to about your hipbones, front to back. If you take a tube and laid it out, you will see there is plenty of room for storage along the walls. Stuffed inside of you, this doesn?t leave much room for storage.

Peristalsis must happen to move used food (or waste) through this ?tube.? Peristalsis is the muscular contraction of the small intestine and colon (large intestine) and it must happen all along your large and small intestine to create a bowel movement. If it slows down or if there is blockage, you become constipated. Most people have both problems, each contributing to worsening the other.

Your intestine is supposed to be a flexible tube and peristalsis is a wave-like motion. When this long and flexible organ gets lined with a buildup, the hardened plaque will slow or even stop the wave-like motions. As these muscles are inhibited, they also become weakened. Just as with any muscle, if you can?t use it, you lose it. As time goes on, instead of having a diameter of about 1 1/2 inches for waste to move through, there may be areas of your intestine that have only 1/4 inch diameter because of the buildup!

Most constipation remedies will give temporary relief as they attempt to either force extreme contractions or soften and turn the matter that isn?t yet hardened to liquid, making it easier to move through the smaller, weaker part of your tubing.

What is needed is a comprehensive approach along with the immediate relief. A colon cleanse fits both the short term remedy and, when done properly, will help create the long-term lifestyle changes needed.

When doing a colon cleanse, the healthier diet and herbs move through your digestive tract easier than processed foods. Over time, the type of fiber used during a cleanse will soften the buildup of older matter helping this buildup to be removed, also.

A longer and more permanent solution can work when given a chance. However, we must be cautious of choosing the correct colon cleansing program. Be sure that more helpful herbs are used. Laxatives, natural and pharmaceutical, should at a minimum (or even non-existent) and temporary. Gather your information from a few sources. Don?t rely on the propaganda or sales pitch from a supplement company.

Incorporate a healthy diet and possibly bodywork such as acupuncture or colon hydrotherapy with your colon cleanse to ensure success. You can learn more about the right way to cleanse and easing constipation at

Cindy Papp was diagnosed with Hepatitis C in 1992. She learned how to cleanse in 1994 which lead to total recovery from Hep C in 1998. She is free of the disease to date. Her experiences led her to manage a holisitic health center where she became a Ceritified Nutritional Counselor, trained in massage therapy and a Certified Colon Therapist. She then owned and operated her own health center in the San Fernando Valley of California, specializing in total body cleansing, until she sold it 2004.

Cindy has put much of her expertise on cleansing on her website where you can learn more about the right way to cleanse, and how to choose the best cleanse for you.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Understanding Constipation and Natural Remedies - Part II

Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complaint. Unfortunately, many of the most common remedies only give temporary relief so they are repeated time and again. This can worsen the real reason for the constipation and cause more problems.

Constipation is mostly a problem of the small and/or large intestine. In order for food to move through your intestines and out, you need an unblocked tube (intestine) for waste to move through and muscular contractions called peristalsis. Peristalsis is a wave-like motion that starts at one end and continues in a ?wave? to the other end of your ?tube? or intestine.

If your problem is lack of peristalsis, or weak muscular contractions, fiber or juices alone will not create peristalsis. Forcing your muscles into an extremely strong contraction, using a stimulant such as a laxative, will not work well for long-term relief. In fact, this extreme reaction will cause your body to weaken as it becomes dependent on the stimulant.

Another reason for constipation may be old waste that never left your small intestine. This old buildup must be softened and removed in order for your system to function efficiently on its own. Since certain types of fiber can soften this, some believe fiber is all that is needed to alleviate constipation. However, fiber does not always stimulate peristalsis. In addition, it swells in your body and may contribute to your problem.

You can strengthen your peristalsis and slowly break down and remove the old buildup at the same time. Start by breaking down the old waste with a strong fiber such as psyllium. Eat healthy foods during your colon cleanse such as fresh fruits, vegetables, water and whole, minimally processed grains. These will naturally stimulate your digestive tract. As with any muscle, the more you use your intestinal muscles, the stronger they get.

This is why a healthy diet over a long period of time is necessary. These foods are easier on your body than white flour or processed foods, which turn to a glue-like substance in your digestive tract, creating constipation or worsening an existing problem.

The early stages of your colon cleanse is the time to use other natural constipation remedies such as fresh fruit juices that have their own fiber, herbal teas, and certain dried fruits such a prunes. If you use a laxative, try to slowly wean off of it by cutting the amount you take each day and replacing it with herbs such a cascara sagrada or triphala. (Of course if your laxative is prescription, check with your doctor, first.)

By combining fiber and herbs that gently stimulate your intestines to work as in a colon cleanse, you can help your body to break down the waste and move it through. As you eat properly and take your colon cleanse supplements, the fiber and herbs travel through your intestines. Some of the fiber will stay behind and bind with the old buildup along the intestinal walls, softening it. This softened buildup will eventually dislodge and it too will leave the body.

As the buildup becomes less, and you continue eating well, your large and small intestines will be freer to move, thus creating stronger peristalsis. Again, the healthy diet eaten during a colon cleanse will add nutrition and enhance the function of your digestive tract leading to a healthier and stronger system.

As with any exercise it takes time. Your body can handle junk and processed foods sometimes, but overall you need fresh, whole fruits and vegetables, their juices, plenty of water, and whole, minimally processed grains. This is the only long-term, holistic solution to a healthy digestive tract.

Use a colon cleanse to start clearing your digestive tract of old buildup. Incorporate a healthy diet and possibly bodywork to ensure success. Learn more about the right way to cleanse at

Cindy Papp was diagnose with Hepatitis C in 1992. She learned how to cleanse in 1994 which lead to total recovery from Hep C in 1998. She is free of the disease to date. Her experiences led her to manage a holisitic health center, became a certified nutritional counselor, trained in massage therapy and became a Certified Colon Therapist. She then went on to own and operate her own health center in the San Fernando Valley of California, specializing in total body cleansing, until she sold it 2004.

Cindy has put much of her expertise on cleansing on her website where you can learn more about the right way to cleanse, and how to choose the best cleanse for you.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Natural Home Remedies for the Treatment of Constipation

Constipation is a common disturbance of the digestive tract. In this condition, the bowels do not move regularly, or are not completely emptied when they move. The stools are unduly hard and unusual straining may be required to achieve defecation.

The most common symptoms of constipation are infrequency, irregularity or difficulty of elimination due to hard faecal matter. Other symptoms may be coated tongue, foul breath, loss of appetite, and constant fullness in the abdomen.

Natural home remedies for the treatment of Constipation. Here are some home remedies that may be used for the treatment of constipation.

Drink a glass of warm water early in the morning, walk around for a while, and then visit the toilet.
Eat a lot of raw salads and green vegetables. Drink plenty of water, but not immediately before or after a meal.
Drink a glassful of warm water with a spoonful of honey every night before going to sleep. However, be aware that you might go to the bathroom often!
Have a glass of warm water with fresh lime in the morning.
A tablespoon of castor oil.
Spinach cooked with green onion stalks, are very good for clearing the bowels.
A teaspoonful of slightly roasted fennel, taken at bedtime with a glass of warm water, acts as a mild laxative.
Another gentle laxative is china grass. Which is dried seaweed. When it is cut into bits and cooked in milk becomes a gelatinous substance. It is used to make a milk custard-like pudding. While cooking, add sugar and flavoring to taste, and set. It makes a good vegetarian pudding and sets at room temperature. It's not as "bad" as it sounds!

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Native Remedy For Constipation

Today, I would like to talk to you about...wait a minute...uh...okay! Have you ever had...

I'm sorry I just can't seem to get it out. You see, what I wanted to talk to you about today is...constipation. Yes, I know, who wants to even think about that? It's a very personal subject, and unless you happen to be potty-training a child right now, it's not something that you would expect to come up in conversation.

What's a normal bowel movement?

A bowel movement is the natural method your body uses to eliminate waste. But bowel movements are not something that we're likely to compare notes about at the gym, and constipation is not exactly break room conversation at work. Since constipation and bowel movements are not a usual subject of everyday conversation, you might not actually know what a "normal" bowel movement is.

Once a day is normal, right? Well, that's not necessarily true for everyone. Normal bowel movement schedules could be as often as three times a day, or as infrequent as three times a week. However, if you're not going to the bathroom at least three times a week, then you may have constipation, especially if you are passing hard stools.

Just about everyone will deal with constipation from time to time. Occasional constipation can be caused by not drinking enough fluids, eating the wrong foods, stress or even lack of exercise. Unfortunately, some people suffer from chronic constipation and as a result, they spend a great deal of time in pain and misery.

Chronic constipation can be a sign of more serious related illnesses like diabetes, colon cancer or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It's also possible to develop chronic constipation as a side effect of some medications. Sometimes constipation starts suddenly. Sometimes it occurs gradually over time and you may not even notice it happening.

The Disadvantages of Conventional Treatments

There are several conventional treatments for constipation, but most of them have some drawbacks. For example, you can try increasing the amount of fiber in your diet, or even take a fiber supplement. However, this may not work very quickly, and there's no guarantee that it will work at all due to individual differences from person to person. Plus, adding extra fiber often results in an increase in gas. You should be aware that increased fiber may lead to an obstruction of the intestine, especially if you don't drink an increased amount of water with the additional fiber.

You could try lubricant laxatives like mineral oil. Assuming you're able to swallow mineral oil without gagging on it. This could provide some short-term relief, but regular use of mineral oil laxatives could lead to vitamin deficiencies and decreased effectiveness of some medications.

The Advantages of Native Remedies for Constipation

Fortunately, nature has provided some wonderful natural remedies for constipation. Natural herbs, harvested from the earth and refined for safe usage, are strong enough to provide relief from constipation, but gentle enough to avoid unpleasant side effects.

Two natural herbs that are particularly effective native remedies for constipation are aloe vera and dandelion (taraxacum officianale). These herbs are widely known not only for their laxative effect, but also for their ability to actively provide benefits for your digestive tract.

Passionflower (passiflora incarnata) is another herb often associated with natural remedies for constipation. This herb is actually a gentle sedative that relaxes your nervous system. Overall, it helps relieve the anxiety and stress that constipation can cause, and it helps to provide direct relief by relaxing the muscles of the bowel wall.

Whenever you are comparing native remedies for constipation, take a look at the ingredients to make sure it contains these three essential herbs. Bowel movements are a natural part of life. If you develop either an occasional or chronic problem with your bowel movements, why not treat it with a natural solution?

If you would like to begin using native remedies you can check out my website at


Friday, December 14, 2007

Natural Remedy for Hemorrhoids and Constipation

About half of the population in the U.S.A. will suffer from hemorrhoids at some point in life. Although hemorrhoids occur in almost everyone, they become large and cause problems in only 4 percent of the general population. Hemorrhoids do not usually go away completely once you have them. They can get improved, however, so that living with them is tolerable.
Living with hemorrhoids can become intolerable especially when they are accompanied with constipation. On the other hand, continuous constipation can became the main cause for development of initial hemorrhoids and their further growth. In order to avoid constipation and to ensure regular stools, practitioners suggest diet rich in fiber and drinking eight or more glasses of water each day... but this is easier said than done.

If you aren't able to eat enough high-fiber food or if you still suffer from constipation and hemorrhoids we suggest the following natural remedy based on common herbs:

- Boil one cup of Chamomile tee (Latin name: Matricaria recutia) and wait to chill for 5 minutes.
- Put one spoon Psyllium Seeds (Plantago Psyllium) in the cup and leave it for 30 minutes.
- Drink the mixture every day before bedtime.
- Don?t forget to drink a lot of water during the day.
(The needed herbs are available over the counter in the most pharmacies)

Regular consumption of the suggested herbal mixture will not only regulate your stool but also will help hemorrhoids to shrink as a result of the ingredients in the herbs and their combined effects. Children under two years, pregnant women and people allergic to dust or grass should avoid Psyllium.
Using natural herbal remedies to treat hemorrhoids is the best way to improve your general health, to avoid expensive surgeries or bothersome and long term conventional treatments. Sometimes the natural medicine has more efficient and less expensive therapies than the conventional medicine. When the hemorrhoids are in question, we can say that the conventional medicine has failed.

This natural remedy is not cure for hemorrhoids but it should relief hemorrhoidal pain, reduce rectal bleeding and will make living whit hemorrhoids much easier at no or very small cost.Hemorrhoids Information Site


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Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Missing Link Between Acne, Insulin Resistance and Constipation

Among homeopathic treatments for acne, we find alleviating constipation. Yet presently, no medical studies have made the direct link between bowel regularity and acne. Nevertheless, there is a clear relationship between a hormonal imbalance called ?insulin resistance? and acne. Moreover, according to the American Dietetic Association, regularity is great for mitigating acne because regular bowel movements can reduce the chances of developing insulin resistance.

Insulin Resistance & Acne
The pancreas secretes the hormone insulin. The body needs insulin to access the body?s primary energy source- the blood sugar glucose. Insulin binds to key receptors in the blood in order to release glucose as the body requires more energy.

Insulin resistance happens when the normal amount of insulin the pancreas secretes proves insufficient to signal the release of glucose. So, to compensate, the pancreas secretes more insulin in order to free the needed glucose.

Insulin Resistance in PCOS
Insulin resistance, acne, excessive hair and obesity are just a few of the traits that characterize the endocrine disease called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Substantial research has linked a rise in circulating androgens in PCOS patients to insulin resistance.

An excess amount of the hormone androgen in women promotes facial hair growth and can lead to infertility. Moreover surplus androgen increases facial oil secretion. This extra oil can cause more clogged pores and acne.

Medical Treatment for Insulin Resistance
Treatments for PCOS include the drug metformin. A study published in Gynecological Endocrinology found that treating women with metformin reduced the symptoms of PCOS because the treatment lowered the patients? fasting blood sugar level and testosterone levels. Testosterone is a member of the androgen family and can likewise lead to acne lesions.

Natural Treatment for Insulin Resistance
Besides using drugs to control insulin levels, the American Dietetic Association recommends a fiber-rich and therefore constipation preventing diet to help normalize the blood glucose and insulin levels.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recommends consuming 31 grams of fiber per day. Getting this amount of fiber would take enjoying roughly one of the following groups of fruits and vegetables:

    7 raw avocados

    13 fresh bananas

    7 cups of blueberries

    9 small apples

    31 baked potatoes

    15 red peppers

    3 cups of cooked lentils

Surprisingly, regardless of all the health benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, the Food and Drug Administration still reports that Americans are not eating enough of Nature?s harvest.

In short, insulin resistance creates an upsurge in androgen hormone. And so, staying constipation free reduces the likelihood of developing insulin resistance and having more circulating hormones that can provoke an acne outbreak.

Whatever your acne facial regime involves, make certain to enjoy a few constipation-preventing foods like oat bran, spinach or apples everyday.

Kazerooni, T and M Dehghan-Kooshkghazi. Effects of metformin therapy on hyperandrogenism in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Gynecological Endocrinology; February 1, 2003, vol 17, no 1, pp 51-56.

United States Department of Agriculture. Diet and Health: Food Consumption and Nutrient Intake Tables. August 17, 2004

Wijeyaratne, Chandrika N, Adam H Balen, Julian H Barth, Paul E Belchetz. Clinical manifestations and insulin resistance (IR) in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) among South Asians and Caucasians: is there a difference? Clinical Endocrinology; September 2002, vol 57, no 3, pp 343-350.

Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz founded Noixia, a San Diego based research firm dedicated to helping people intelligently, safely and affordably enhance their image by offering custom skin solutions to people with acne scars on the face and body. San-Joyz She has appeared on radio stations, in newspapers and on TV shows across the United States promoting beauty through health consciousness. Anyone seeking to enhance their image and remove acne scarring can find custom, clinically proven solutions at

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Can Constipation Really Cause Acne & If So How?

How rich would you be if you had a nickel for every time you heard about some kooky acne cure? Was overcoming constipation included in that list? While, clinical studies of the relationship between acne and colon health are lacking, medical research does lend validity to the possible link. For example, regular bowel movements help maintain hormonal balances that are critical to clear skin.

There is overwhelming evidence that constipation and acne do affect significant number of people. Just this past march, a survey in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics interviewed over 500 people. And of this sample group, at least 96% used laxative treatments and of those, 47% were dissatisfied with their constipation relief. Like constipation, acne affects people from puberty and can mysteriously reappear in the adult years.

Overlapping cases of acne & constipation
Even though numerous people suffer from constipation and acne, this does not validate the link between the two conditions. However, findings from the American Dietetic Association do make the connection.

According to the American Dietetic Association, a fiber rich, and therefore constipation-preventing diet, lowers blood cholesterol levels and helps normalize the blood glucose and insulin levels.

Cholesterol & acne
Moreover, research studies have implicated both insulin resistance and cholesterol in the development of acne. To illustrate, a report in Journal of Investigative Dermatology points out that the skin can actually use circulating cholesterol to make the hormone androgen.

Androgens can provoke acne lesions by increasing the amount of oil secretion on the skin. With regular bowel movements, the hair follicles and oils glands do not have excess cholesterol floating around the skin that can be used to create zit-promoting androgens.

Insulin resistance induced acne
In addition to cholesterol, insulin resistance can provoke a pimple invasion. Insulin resistance, acne, excessive hair and obesity are just a few of the traits that characterize the endocrine disease called polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). Considerable research has linked a rise in circulating androgens in PCOS patients to insulin resistance.

An excess amount of the hormone androgen in women promotes facial hair growth and can lead to infertility. Moreover surplus androgen increases facial oil secretion. This extra oil can cause more clogged pores and acne.

Medical Treatment for Insulin Resistance
Treatments for PCOS include the drug metformin. A study published in Gynecological Endocrinology found that treating women with metformin reduced the symptoms of PCOS because the treatment lowered the patients? fasting blood sugar level and testosterone levels. Testosterone is a member of the androgen family and can likewise lead to acne lesions.

In brief, acne is a multifaceted skin condition that can be triggered by a number of variables including hormonal shifts, nutritional changes or immunological weaknesses. Constipation undeniably influences the body?s endocrine system in measurable ways. A backlogged bowel can increase circulating cholesterol levels and increase the chances of developing insulin resistance. Both of these hormonal changes can generate excess androgens, surplus facial oil secretion and ultimately more acne outbreaks.

Johanson, JF and J Kralstein. Chronic constipation: a survey of the patient perspective. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics; March 2007, vol 25, no 5, pp 599-608.

Kazerooni, T and M Dehghan-Kooshkghazi. Effects of metformin therapy on hyperandrogenism in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Gynecological Endocrinology; February 1, 2003, vol 17, no 1, pp 51-56.

Thiboutot, Diane, Sami Jabara, Jan M McAllister, Aruntha Sivarajah, Kathyrn Gilliland, Zhaoyuan Cong and Gary Clawson. Normal Sebocytes, and an Immortalized Sebocyte Cell Line (SEB-1). Journal of Investigative Dermatology; June 2003, vol 120, no 6, pp 905-914.

Wijeyaratne, Chandrika N, Adam H Balen, Julian H Barth, Paul E Belchetz. Clinical manifestations and insulin resistance (IR) in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) among South Asians and Caucasians: is there a difference? Clinical Endocrinology; September 2002, vol 57, no 3, pp 343-350.

Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz founded Noixia, a San Diego based research firm dedicated to helping people intelligently, safely and affordably enhance their image by offering custom skin solutions to people with acne scars on the face and body. San-Joyz She has appeared on radio stations, in newspapers and on TV shows across the United States promoting beauty through health consciousness. Anyone seeking to enhance their image and remove acne scarring can find custom, clinically proven solutions at

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Relationship Between Cod Liver Oil and Constipation Explained

The relationship between cod liver oil and constipation is one of natural treatment and ailment. In other words, cod liver oil has been used to provide natural relief from constipation for many years. Other fish oils provide the same benefit, without the risks that can be associated with excess consumption of cod liver oil. Both of these oils provide essential omega-3 fatty acids, necessary for optimal brain, heart, joint and digestive function.

Both my parents and my grandparents took regular doses of cod liver oil and constipation was not a problem for them. After complaining of a ?tummy ache?, my mother gave me a spoonful of the nasty tasting, smelly stuff. After that, I kept my tummy aches to myself. Sure, it relieved the constipation, but ?Yuck!? I could taste it for hours, every time I burped!

Today, the better fish oil supplements are molecularly distilled to remove the odor. In capsule form, they are tasteless. Storing the capsules in the freezer and/or taking them with food can prevent both the burping and any aftertaste, while still relieving occasional constipation.

Most people experience constipation occasionally. Too little fiber in the diet is one common cause, as is too little water. But, many other factors can contribute to occasional constipation. Prescription medications, dietary supplements containing iron, a sedentary lifestyle, traveling or other changes in routine and stress are some of the many things that can lead to constipation.

Excessive use of stimulant laxatives can cause the eventual dysfunction of the digestive muscles, leading to chronic constipation. Most people find that even occasional use of stimulant laxatives can cause cramping and discomfort. Fish oils improve digestive function, can be taken regularly and are ?gentler? than most over-the-counter laxatives, like Ex-Lax. Many people relate cod liver oil and constipation prevention.

Just remember to choose wisely. All supplements are not the same. Cod liver oils contain vitamin A. Pregnant women should avoid supplements containing vitamin A, as it has been associated with a significant increase in birth defects. Too much vitamin A, in even healthy adults can be toxic. In general, it is safer to get your daily vitamin A requirements from food or beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A on an as-needed basis and is therefore non-toxic.

Other concerns over cod liver oil consumption are related to mercury contamination and contamination from other industrial pollutants. Mercury is stored in the livers of fish. Thus, there is a greater chance of mercury contamination in oils that come from fish livers. The source of most cod liver oils is the Atlantic Cod fish, which has been over harvested and swims in some of the most polluted waters in the world.

Fish oils derived from the ?flesh? of the fish are generally safer alternatives. But, it is still necessary to choose carefully. Some oils are not molecularly distilled and contain mercury and other contaminants. And, if you are concerned about environmental issues, some fish are over harvested and their populations are not considered sustainable. Manufacturers should list the ?source fish? (cod, shark, salmon, etc.), the distillation process used and the ocean from which the fish is harvested, but most do not.

To learn more about cod liver oil and constipation relief or prevention...and to learn more about choosing the best supplements, please visit The Fish Oil Guide.

Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she is writing a series of articles about omega-3 fatty acids and fish oil. Read more at


Friday, December 7, 2007

Use Acidophilus, a Bacteria, to Prevent Constipation

That sentence alone could turn a few heads. Whoever heard of using bacteria to cure and prevent a disorder? Well, apparently quite a number of people already have. The again, Acidophilus is known to be the "friendly bacteria."

So just what is Acidophilus and how can it prevent constipation?

Acidophilus is a natural occurring bacteria in the human body that produces lactic acid, which in turn helps in braking down food and getting the proper nutrients needed by the body.

The decrease in number of the population of Acidophilus in the body is one of the main causes of several digestive disorders. Factors that reduce the number of Acidophilus in the body are antibiotics, alcohol, improper diet, old age, drugs, smoking and stress.

Aside from preventing constipation from occurring, Acidophilus also aids in reducing the chances of other disorders from happening. This includes; prevention of diarrhea, lowering blood cholesterol, enhancing the nutrients absorption, eliminates halitosis, reduces the chances of acne, prevents growth of some harmful bacteria, lessens symptoms of candidasis and vaginal yeast infection and recent studies have shown that it can help in preventing growth of carcinogens.

When food is digested well, the body can get the proper nutrients from them, plus, the chemical reaction of the body to the break down of the food eaten goes smoothly, reducing the chances for constipation.

Acidophilus aids in the digestion of food. That is why it is necessary that we have sufficient amount of Acidophilus bacteria to help us feel better.

Hector Milla at shows you how to get one week absolutely free of Nutrisystem Diet , website associated with a website about side effects of lactobacillus acidophilus.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Conditions Caused By Constipation

Constipation can cause problems for your body. If you are suffering from constipation you will no doubt strain to pass the hard stools when having a bowel movement, this straining can cause haemorriods and anal fissures. Straining can also cause a condition known as rectal prolapse, this is when a small amount of the intestinal lining is pushed out of the anal opening.

Constipation can also cause you to suffer from a condition known as fecael impaction. This is when the hard stool is so impacted in your colon that normal pushing can not expel it and an enema is needed to break up the stool and remove it.

When your bowel is clogged with faeces due to constipation, it provides an ideal environment for harmful bacteria and parasites to thrive. Poor bowel cleanliness is the source for many disorders for the body, such as:

? Appendicitis
? Arthritis
? Cancer of the colon
? Clotting in deep veins
? Diverticulitis
? Gall-bladder problems
? Heart disorders
? Hiatus hernia
? Varicose veins

Intestinal toxaemia and auto-intoxication are caused directly from intestinal constipation. Constipation aids in the lowering of your body?s resistance, thus leading to many acute and chronic illnesses.

Intestinal constipation causes extra workload for your other excretory organs such as:

? Kidneys
? Liver
? Lungs
? Lymph
? Skin

by causing cellular constipation. This causes the functioning of these organs to become overworked and depleted. Repair and growth are delayed, the ability to eliminate waste products is limited and cellular metabolism becomes sluggish. The cells become dead and inactive, instead of active and alive, this process helps in the decline of organ and tissue functioning ability.

Constipation causes auto-intoxication, this is a process where your body literally toxicants itself by keeping decaying matter within your colon. The toxins which are released within your bowel, find their way into your bloodstream and from there around your body. This slowly affects every cell in your body and causes illnesses.

Stewart Hare C.H.Ed Dip NutTh

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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

You Need Food High in Fiber for Constipation Relief


Food high in fiber is found in fruits, vegetables and grains. It is the complex fiber structure that gives produce and grains their shape and keeps them from falling apart. Fiber is a subclass of carbohydrates. It consists mostly of cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose and pectin.

In the stomach fiber bonds are broken apart so nutrients and fiber particles and strands can do their magic in your stomach, small intestine, colon, and anus. Once food high in fiber is completely digested in the small intestine, fiber moves into the colon to complete its cycle in your body. If you have eaten enough fiber during a meal, your stools will have a certain shape, size, color and consistency and chances are you will not have constipation.

If you have not been eating food high in fiber, especially for many years, then mostly likely you will be struggling with having regular bowel movements.

Eating the right amount of fiber is not only necessary for keeping free of constipation but it is tied to your overall health. In the past, no one knew much about fiber. It was thought that it had no value as it entered and exited the body. But now, we know that if you don't eat food high in fiber you will live a short and painful death. Here are some of diseases that are related to not eating enough fiber.

Heart disease
Breast cancer
Prostate cancer
Gastrointestinal disorders
Hiatus hernia
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
All types of colon diseases

These are only a few diseases that you could develop. Do you see any of the diseases in this list that people come down with as they age? Did they eat enough fiber today? Will you eat enough fiber in the future? I hope so.

How should you eat fiber?

A general rule is to eat fruits and vegetables every day. Eat fruits in the morning to assist in purging out fecal matter that has accumulated in your colon and removing urine that your kidney has created by cleansing your blood during the night.

By eating fruits for breakfast you help remove toxins out of your colon by promoting a bowel movement. The fiber in fruits helps to clean your colon walls of tacky matter that accumulates there. This tacky matter is created when you don't eat enough fiber and your stools are mushy and sticky.

When you eat lunch or dinner, always eat vegetables with these meals. Vegetables are needed when you eat meat which does not have fiber. Vegetables are needed when you eat processed food that has no fiber. Always eat vegetables when eating bread since processed bread has no fiber. When bread is eaten without vegetables, fecal matter, chime, in the colon is hard to move and is sticky. It is this sticky matter that clings to your colon walls, which prevents your colon from being strong, flexible, healthy, and non-toxic.

Always chose to eat food high in fiber everyday. This is a necessity. You were built to thrive on fruits and vegetables. Without them you commit yourself to a life of pain and disease. And it all starts in the colon with constipation.

As a Natural Nutritionist, Rudy Silva researches and writes on natural remedies for various body conditions. He has written and accumulated a lot of information on constipation. To get free tips on how to get constipation relief, sign up for his 10 week e-lesson series called "10 Constipation Secrets Revealed" at

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Constipation and IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or IBS as it is known for short) affects over 20% people living in the United Kingdom. It is also widespread in many other parts of Europe and also in North America.

There are a number of unpleasant symptoms associated with the condition including constipation. If you are an IBS sufferer and find that regular constipation is part of your IBS then it may be worth looking at your daily meal patterns.

Like many busy people you may find that and go for long periods during the day without eating and drinking, perhaps without even realising that this the case. If this is so, then you might find that adopting a more regular eating pattern could help you towards a more regular bowel habit.

For example, skipping breakfast could mean that your bowels are missing the important reflex triggered by the first meal of the day. Furthermore, a frequent intake of fluids, especially water, helps the contents of the bowel to stay soft which makes them easier to empty. After all, passing a rock solid stool can be very difficult as well as extremely painful. In some severe cases, this can even cause tearing of the anal tissue and resulting in bleeding.

Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day and try not to skip breakfast. If you don?t have time to eat a proper breakfast before leaving home in the morning, you might want to think of taking something to eat with you on your way to work.

Increasing fibre in the diet has long been hailed as the way to improve constipation in cases of IBS. Bran fibre and wholemeal bread in particular are popular recommendations, but they can in fact aggravate and worsen the symptoms of IBS.

However, the fibre found in fresh fruit and vegetables can be extremely helpful. Combining a diet rich in fruit and vegetables with the previous recommendations can go a long way to relieve and reduce the effects of constipation in IBS.

Elizabeth Harfleet is the author of a new book entitled ?IBS Secrets Most Doctors Won?t Know!?. It provides long awaited answers to questions about how to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of IBS.

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Monday, December 3, 2007

Curing Constipation on the Atkins Diet

Is constipation somehow caused by the Atkins diet? If so, what can you do to prevent it? What usually causes constipation??

This is actually a pretty common issue with Atkins dieters. There are many reasons why someone might get constipated, and a few actually do have to do with the Atkins diet.

A big reason why a person can become constipated is that he or she may not be getting enough fiber. This correlates to the Atkins diet because most people get the majority of their fiber from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Since all of these are very limited on the Atkins diet, a lack of fiber could be the reason why you are becoming constipated.Another reason for constipation that could come from the Atkins diet is a change in lifestyle. If you were eating completely differently before starting the Atkins diet, this could also be a reason why you are becoming constipated.

Some other causes that do not necessarily correlate to the Atkins diet are: lack of physical activity, certain medications (pain killers, blood pressure meds, etc.), abuse of laxatives, or dehydration.

While these are not necessarily connected with the Atkins diet, they could still be contributors to your constipation. If you are not drinking enough water or getting enough exercise, you should definitely be doing these things while on the Atkins diet, whether you are constipated or not.

There are a few different methods you can choose from in order to cure constipation. Being hydrated at all times is imperative to having normal bowel movements. You may also consider switching medications, or discontinuing your medications altogether.

If your constipation does not go away, your doctor may be able to prescribe certain kinds of laxatives for you. Laxatives should not be a solution for those who are only mildly constipated. If you have already attempted to cure your constipation yourself, however, laxatives may be a good solution.

Note: The Author is not a doctor. Please consult a doctor before starting any new diet plan.
For more free information (over 300 pages!) about the Low Carb Diets, including Atkins Diet Advice and Free Recipes, visit


Most Constipation Is Self-induced

If you suffer from chronic constipation, you should discuss it with your health care provider. The condition can lead to very serious long-term health problems, even death! There is hope however, because usually it is caused by lifestyle choices and can be relieved with some changes in your habits. You certainly want to do whatever you can to avoid taking any medications because all medications have side effects and most treat just the symptoms, not the real problem.

What is the real problem? Usually it is caused by a lack of exercise, a lack fiber in the diet and not enough fluid consumption. By increasing these and a few other changes we'll discuss, most people can be completely regular which is what your digestive system is designed to be. Constipation is a symptom of disease; it is not normal.

For exercise, you must do something that keeps your body moving. Simple as that. It can be as simple as a twenty-minute power walk each day, or a complex routine of various exercise disciplines combined. The main point is that your body can't relieve itself without some muscle tone and a little 'stirring things up'.

Many people are not aware that their bodies contain a substance, more abundant than blood, that functions to rid the cells of waste materials and flush them out. It is called lymph and you have more lymph than blood in you by far. This system is quite efficient, but has no pump. Your heart pumps your blood; muscle contraction moves your lymph. Perhaps this helps you to understand the huge overall benefits of exercise - it assist the body is cleansing itself from the inside out!

Another helpful physical aspect that helps is inversion, which simply means getting the body above the head. Standing on your head like a Yogi may seem strange in relation to constipation, but think about what's happening. All day long, you stand and gravity is pulling on you, including your intestines. Waste material can become packed firmly into the lower intestinal walls, causing blockages and mal-absorption of food. By inverting yourself, you let gravity pull the other way and move that stuff along. You don't have to stand on your head to invert, but this is not a Yoga lesson. Please speak with a Yoga instructor about this. If you have the means and space, another good option is an inversion table - simple and effective. The reason you are advised to eat five servings of fruit and vegetables a day is primarily for the fiber these foods provide. That fiber absorbs water, keeping the waste matter soft and therefore able to pass through the digestive tract easily. If you find it difficult for some reason to eat that each day, consider a natural fiber supplement, but food is the best source.

As mentioned above, fiber absorbs water and there wants to be plenty of water to do the trick. You have probably heard before that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of pure water per day. My advice is to double that, but if you constantly have a water supply with you and sip at it throughout your day, you can easily increase your intake of this "King Of Foods" (That's an African proverb.)

Finally, consider the modern toilet. It was apparently created by another species, because the natural position for elimination in humans and primates is to squat. This positions the bowel properly for an easy emptying, whereas sitting puts a bend in it creating a stopping point. Just because we've been sitting on toilets for hundreds of years does not mean it's the best way and many cultures do not do this. They squat and few have constipation.

So place a stool (a step stool!), in front of the john and put your feet up on it. Use a low one at first, as this will seem awkward and then slowly raise the feet until the knees are above the hips. You may find it difficult to believe, but this simple thing can be hugely beneficial in easing this most natural of functions.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Constipation


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Home Remedy for Constipation - Tips and Suggestions


In this article we will not only look at what may cause constipation but also some different types of home remedy for constipation treatments that you may wish to try.

So what causes constipation?

Often constipation can be caused by the kind of diet you have and the type of lifestyle you lead. People suffering from constipation will not be drinking enough water but plenty of tea or coffee. They will be eating lots of refined and rich foods along with irregular eating habits can lead to constipation. Tea can be dehydrating and it is not the same as drinking water.

Below we provide you with a number of different home remedy treatments you may wish to try in order to help alleviate your constipation if you should be suffering from it.

1. Try drinking a glass of warm water with 1 teaspoon of honey and the juice of half a lemon or lime in the morning before you eat or drink anything else.

2. Integrate raisins, figs ,dates or prunes into your diet. Children love raisins and dates.

3. Why not trying chewing a few sticks of liquorice (mulathi) each day as this is a natural laxative.

4. Before you go to bed , put 3 teaspoons of psyllium husk (Sat Isabgol) into a cup of warm milk or water and drink.

5. Substitute white rice with brown rice and have a fiber cereal in the morning. Many taste very good.

6. Try and eat at least 350 grams of grapes each day. The combination of the properties contained in the grapes, namely cellulose, sugar and organic make it a natural laxative food. By eating grapes you are toning up your stomach and intenstines plus can relieve the most chronic types of constipation.

7. Try eating some bael fruit. This is regarded as the best of all natural laxatives and it can also clean and tone up a person's intestines. Using it regular for 2 to 3 months will even help to get rid of old accumalated faecal matter.

If you find yourself suffering with constipation then why not try a few of the home remedy for constipation treatments that have been suggested to see if you can cure it through natural foods readily available.

Dee Cohen is an author and publisher at where you can find Home Remedy for Constipation tips and suggestions.
